Festive Hacks 3: The no-hassle ethical shopping platform in time for Christmas
Whose is this then? Brainchild of Zappos.com which is based in the US.
What’s the hack? It’s a new part of the Zappos retail platform called Goods For Good and it’s going to make it much easier to buy for your ethical friends and family who, much as we love them, can sometimes come with a whole load of added requests around their presents list. No, it’s not enough that it is a t-shirt – it needs to be t-shirt from sustainably sourced cotton. And that’s great for the planet but we could probably all do with a little helping hand on this.
Advantages? I think everyone has got their heads around catering for the vegetarian or vegan guest by now so Retail Insider is firmly of the opinion that present buying is the next frontier ripe for curation. Platforms like this will singlehandedly negate the need to navigate the internet for hours checking whether the working conditions of the women who made the rug came up to scratch or if the palm oil in the face cream was from a plantation involved in illegal deforestation. Let someone else do the grunt research on this.
More advantages? 150 brands are represented in five handy categories which are: Recycled, Organic, Sustainably Certified, Vegan and Give Back. So when number two niece tells you that unless it is cruelty free you can keep it – you can nod sagely and turn immediately to your phone. And there’s more, the platform doesn’t just list a long line of ‘safe’ products. In true Gen Z style there is a back story for each explaining how it fits in to its category and what its inclusion means. You can search by gender, by item, by budget or by brand.
Let’s talk money? Free to access. What are you waiting for? And high street retailers take note – help your shoppers out by doing the same. Forget the World Food aisle let’s see the sustainable aisle in 2020!