Still in love with the free market
The bankers have rather sullied the notion of the free market but there are still many examples where a light touch or zero intervention has its merits.
This week I came across an example on Amazon where you have to love the market giant’s liberal stance. But also the ballsy approach taken by the publishers of The Good Curry Guide has to be applauded.
Below is the review of the aforementioned guide that can be found on Amazon: [Link to review]
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
By Drumond Base
The new Guide is NOT AVAILABLE ON AMAZON and new copies never will be. Without reference to the author they priced it at £12.71. They then take 60% leaving the Guide with under £5 per copy. And they have to pay to deliver it meaning they would make a loss. And Amazon don’t even pay tax on UK earnings. Furthermore, the publisher has to wait for up to 90 days for payment by Amazon. Pat Chapman is the sole supplier. Ring 01428 658327 to order and pay by card (or by cheque to The Curry Club and send it to 50, West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AP) and they will dispatch it the same day. If you would like it author-signed, just ask. And if you mention that you have read this rant about Amazon, then it’s yours for only £12.71 inc p&p!
Long live the free market.