Retail Insider brews Brown Sauce beer

Regular Insider readers will know that beer regularly finds its way into the posts on this website and no apology is to be made for its frequent incursions because the editor Glynn Davis has a strong affinity with the product.


Brown Sauce arrives at Retail Insider HQ

This interest has manifested itself in Wales-based Brains Brewery recently inviting him to brew a collaborative beer within its Brains Craft Brewery. The process began with a decision on the beer style.

After various business trips to New York one of his favoured beer styles has been US Brown Ale. This is a combination of the toffee and caramel flavours that are typically found in traditional UK brown ales but with the little addition of locally grown hops (often Cascade), which  give it a citrus aroma and finish. For the collaboration with Brains the US hops were switched for a British variety of Cascade.

The result is ‘Brown Sauce’ – a 5% beer of a rich nut brown hue with toffee and caramel flavours that contrast with the fresh citrus hop characteristics. It was recently showcased at the Wales Beer Festival at the Millennium Stadium and has also been made available in a small number of pubs. There is also a limited run in 330 ml bottles.

If the feedback is positive then who knows – it might find itself stocked in a pub near you. Failing that it will be a valuable limited edition item. Either way, cheers.